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Pagan Kids Ostara





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About Ostara

Ostara is celebrated at the Vernal Equinox (Spring Equinox), which is around September 21 (Or around March 21 in the Northern hemisphere) . The exact date is determined by the position of the sun. This is one of the two days in the year when the hours of daylight and darkness are exactly the same length (Equal = equinox).

In the Northern hemisphere, this is about the same time that Christians celebrate Easter, which is held on the first Sunday after the full moon following the Equinox. The Christian holiday of "Easter" takes its name from the Saxon goddess of the dawn and springtime, Eostre. Many of the symbols associated with Easter-- rabbits (or hares), eggs and "Easter" lilies were originally fertility symbols of the Goddess. Of course, here in the southern hemisphere Ostara is in late September.

The weather is warmer and new life springs forth from field, tree, nest and water. The world is beginning to awake from it's winter slumber, and it is at this time we celebrate the Goddess in her aspect of the maiden. In the Greek myths, Persephone returns to the upper world at this time and her mother, Demeter, celebrates by bringing spring to the world that had been cold and barren in her daughter's absence. Though some regions are still buried in snow, the promise of spring is evident in the lengthening days and the appearance of birds migrating from the south.

It is the fertility of the Earth that we celebrate, and we symbolize this new life springing from sun and soil with eggs, chicks, lambs, and rabbits (all symbols of the Great Mother). Ostara promises freedom form the dreariness of winters, it heralds the return of hope and dreams.


In ancient times the return of the birds meant an important protein source had returned. Our modern games involving eggs and the yearly egg-hunt re-creates this important part of our heritage, when the ability to find eggs in the fields and forest could mean the difference between health and hunger in the lean days before the harvest. The egg also is a wonderful symbol of the promise of new life about to come.


Altar Arrangements - The altar for springs includes -- what else?-- images of rabbits and birds, eggs of all sorts, nests, flowers, and living plants. What better day to decorate for the springs season than with the flowers that blossom at this time? They are abundant and beautiful. Daffodils, jonquils, tulips, narcissus, violets and crocus and snowdrops - not just for the altar, fill the house with their colour after you've finished your spring cleaning. If you like to keep your altar up for a long time, blow your eggs after you've coloured them. Take a small branch from a tree and hang the eggs from it. Start some seeds, to be planted out in the garden, and let your seed trays become the basis for your altar. Water them every day, talk to them, and watch them grow.


Colours - All pastels are appropriate for Ostara -- especially the greens, yellows, and pinks. White makes a nice accent, but seems too sparse for an altar cloth representing the season of growth and fertility.


Incense, Herbs and Woods - Violet, honeysuckle, narcissus, and lemon make good incenses for Ostara -- the scents should be clear and light, floral and evocative, but not overwhelming or intoxicating. Herbs associated with springs include meadowsweet, cleavers, clover, lemongrass, spearmint and catnip. If you want to use wood in your spells and rituals, ash has a strong ling with the equinox due to its connection with the macrocosm-microcosm concept in the Celtic ogham runes - the balance of light and dark... as above, so below.



Activites & Craft


The earth celebrates Springtime by exploding with colours, scents and smells that are absent the rest of the year. Enjoy it! Learn ways to value the earth. Whether you live in the country, the inner city, or in the desert, look for the gifts the earth offers. They are waiting for you to discover! As soon a the weather permits, go walking outside to look for birds in the trees and new growth in the plant world. Even just in your own backyard you can find wonderful sights and smells, letting you know that spring is here!


If you live near a river or pond you can look for tadpoles in the water. (Be sure you return later to see the frogs which have grown from those tiny creatures.) This is the time of year in our garden when our water iris' is coming into flower, the jasmine and Port Wine magnolia scent the air, the tiny native stingless bees are all over the viburnum and nasturtium  flowers, and the star jasmine is jut starting to bud. We have a friend who has a small farm, and it is a delight to see the spring lambs, kids and calves (And even more fun to feed bottles to the baby animals!)

If you don't have access to a farm, you can always watch some nature documentaries.

If you live where it is still too cold for outdoor adventures, buy some fast-growing seeds (grass seed is especially satisfying as it grows fast and is virtually indestructible) and let your child plant an indoor garden. If your child/ren plants seeds in a small pot which will fit inside their egg-hunting basket a week or so before Ostara, they can have real grass instead of shredded cellophane to nestle their eggs.

A silly but fun activity is to use hollow eggshells which have been opened at the wide end as small pots. Let your child draw a silly face on the side of the egg with markers. Fill them full of potting soil and sprinkle with grass seed. Water the seeds lightly and in a few days your "egghead" will have grown "hair". When the grass begins to die put the eggshells outside for the birds and other animals to enjoy.






Celtic Ostara Eggs to colour, or copy onto real eggs and paint (Of course you can always make up your own designs).



 Eggshell Pictures

You can make Stained Glass pictures using small pieces of coloured eggshell. Either use the shells from the eggs you coloured for Ostara or follow the instructions below to colour eggshells from either hard-boiled or raw eggs.



·        Eggshells

·        Poster board (or cardboard from cereal or detergent boxes)

·        White glue

·        Food colouring

·        White vinegar

·        Paper towels and/or newspaper



1.      In a cup or small glass bowl, mix a few drops of food colouring with about ½ cup white vinegar for each colour you wish to use.


2.      Soak the egg shells in the food colouring until you have the colour desired. The longer they soak the darker they will be. You may wish to crush the shells into small pieces before putting them into the colouring.


3.      Remove the coloured shells and spread on paper towels or newspaper to dry.


4.      Draw a simple picture on the plain side of the cardboard. Colouring book pictures are good.


5.      Spread glue in each area of your drawing.


6.      Glue small pieces of coloured shell in the different sections of the drawing.


7.      Allow the glue to dry completely before moving your picture.







Bunny Ears

This has been one of the traditional favourites of nursery school teachers for years.


·        Construction paper (White, Brown, Grey or Black & Pink)

·        Glue

·        Scissors

·        Stapler and Staples

1. Cut the headband from construction paper. (If you use 30cm x 45cm paper, 1 headband strip 5cm wide cut from the long edge of the paper + one 5cm strip cut from the short edge should be enough...If you are using  A4 paper, cut three 5cm x 21cm strips) Place the strips end to end and staple together to fit snugly around the child's head.

2. Using the shapes shown in the example, cut 2 outer ears from "bunny coloured" construction paper.

3. Cut 2 pink inner ears and glue them to the front of the outer ears. Allow the glue to dry before going on to next step.

4. Fold the glued ear pieces in half lengthwise and then unfold them (The crease will help the ears stand up straight.)

5. Staple the ears to the headband with the ears standing straight up.




 Spring Sabbat Incense

 3 parts Frankincense

2 parts Sandalwood

 1 part Benzoin

1 part Cinnamon

few drops Patchouli oil

Burn during spring and summer Sabbat rituals.


Ostara Incense

2 Parts Frankincense

1 Part Benzoin

1 Part Dragon's Blood

1/2 Part Nutmeg

1/2 part Violet flowers (or few drops violet oil)

1/2 Part Orange peel

1/2 Part Rose petals

Burn during Ostara rituals.








Puffy Paint Pictures






     Food colour or tempera paint

     Empty squeeze bottles



1. Mix equal parts of flour, salt, and water to make the puffy paint.
(It should have the consistency of frosting)

2. Stir in desired amount of food colouring (remember that paint will dry lighter than it is when wet.)

3. Fill the squeeze bottles with the mixture (one colour per squeeze bottle).

4. Squeeze the paint onto the cardboard. Try zigzags, dots and other designs.

5. Allow the cardboard to dry flat. When it is dry, the design will be raised and will sparkle!



Colour Change Flowers



Put water into three glasses and add several drops of  food colouring to each (One colour per glass).


Stand white flowers (Daisy or carnation works best, but we have even tried it with celery!)  in each

glass-good choices are daisies or carnations.


After a few days the petals will start to change colour. Leave for two more days and the flowers will be the

same colour as the water they're standing in.







The modern belief that eggs are delivered by a rabbit known as the Easter Bunny comes from the legend of the Goddess Eostre. A rabbit wanted to please the Goddess so much that she laid the sacred eggs in her honour, gaily decorated them, and then humbly presented them to her. The Goddess was so pleased that she wished all humankind to share in her joy. Honouring her wishes, the rabbit went through all the world and distributed these little decorated gifts of life. Other foods for springtime are pumpkin, sunflower, and sesame seeds. Sprouts also carry out the springtime theme. (Taken from A Pagan Feast: Food for the Sabbats)



Spinach (or Broccoli) Quiche

 23cm pie crust, unbaked

3 eggs, beaten

30g of Swiss cheese slices

1/2 tsp salt

 2 tbsp flour

 dash pepper

1 c milk

pinch nutmeg

1 small onion, sliced and sautéed lightly

250g frozen spinach (chopped) or broccoli, cooked and drained

Cut cheese in strips. Toss with flour. In pie crust, alternate layers of onion, spinach (or broccoli) and cheese, ending with cheese layer. Mix milk, eggs, & spices. Pour into crust. Bake at 180 °C for one hour or until toothpick comes out clean.





Bunny Bread

(We also made a bunny with scone mix - Yum)

 1/2 C butter
1/2 C warm water (approx 40°C)
3/4 C sugar
2 pkg active dry yeast

5-6 C all-purpose flour
1 Tablespoon ground cinnamon
1 teaspoon salt
5 eggs at room temperature
(set one aside)
1 Tablespoon cold water

Parent's Part:

  1. Combine milk and butter in a small saucepan. Heat until butter melts. remove from heat and allow to cool to lukewarm.

  2. Mix together warm water and 1 T of the sugar. Sprinkle the yeast over the surface and allow the yeast to soften for 1 minute. Stir to dissolve and allow to stand until foamy (about 5 minutes).

  3. Combine 4 C of the flour, the remaining sugar, cinnamon and salt in a large bowl. Add 4 of the eggs, yeast mixture and the warm milk mixture. Beat until blended. Add enough of the remaining flour to make a soft dough.

  4. Knead dough on a lightly floured surface until smooth and elastic (about 10 minutes--don't cheat!) Place in lightly oiled bowl turn to cover with oil. Cover and let rise in a warm place away from drafts until doubled in bulk 1-1/2 hours.

  5. Punch dough down. Knead briefly. Cover and let rest 10 minutes. While waiting, grease 2 baking sheets.

  6. Preheat oven to 180°C

Kid's Part:

  1. Divide dough into 12 equal pieces. Place 11 of them covered in the refrigerator while you work with one piece.

  2. Pinch off a piece of dough about the size of an egg. Form into an egg-shaped body on the baking sheet.

  3. Pinch off a piece of dough about the size of a golf ball and form into a ball for a head. Glue head to the body by dipping the head in a little water and touching it to the body on the baking sheet.

  4. Divide the remaining piece of dough into 6 equal piece Form 4 of the pieces into balls. Glue to the body for the arms and legs. Roll the remaining 2 pieces into logs and glue to the top of the head for the ears.

  5. Repeat steps 1-4 for remaining pieces of dough. When the baking sheet is full, cover with plastic wrap and place in the refrigerator while you finish the remaining pieces.

  6. When you and your children have finished making the bunnies, place them in a warm, draft-free place and allow to rise double, 1/2 hour-1 hour.

  7. When doubled, whisk together the remaining egg with 1 Tablespoon water. Brush each bunny with the egg mixture.
    Press raisins into the dough for eyes and nose. Brush each bunny with egg mixture a second time.  

  8. Bake 15-20 minutes. Bread should sound hollow when tapped. Remove from baking sheets and allow to cool.






"Bunny May I?

This is a good game for groups of kids up to about age 8 or second grade. It is played just like "Mother May I?".

1)     The "Bunny" stands at one side of the room or playground area. (To make it extra fun, make a set of ears from the Ostara crafts section and have the "Bunny" wear them.)

2)     The rest of the children line up at the opposite end of the room or playground.

3)     The "Bunny" calls on each of the other children in turn, who then must ask if they can move by saying, "Bunny, may I move____ jumps, giant steps, hops, baby steps etc."***

4)     The "Bunny" gives the other players permission to move by saying, "Yes you may" or "No, you may not."

5)     The object of the game is to cross the space to the "Bunny" and tap him/her on the shoulder. The first to touch him/her is the next "Bunny". Children can try to move up when the Bunny isn't looking at them, but if they are caught cheating, they must go back to the beginning.

***An alternative way to play is by having the "Bunny" tell the other players how many steps and what kind of steps to take e.g. “Billy, you may take 3 hops" to which Billy replies, "Bunny, may I?"


Egg Race

This is another fun game for kids of all ages. Little kids will have a difficult time just learning how to lean over and push the egg. You can make it more difficult for older children by placing obstacles in their way.


1)     Use real hard-boiled eggs or plastic eggs with something inside to give them a little weight

2)     Children line up at one side of the room or playground

3)     The object of the game is for the children to push the eggs across the finish line WITH THEIR NOSE. No hands allowed! (The hardest part of the race is usually stopping the gales of giggles long enough to actually finish the course.)

4)      Should someone finish the course, the prize can be a special decorated egg or basket of eggs.




A story by Kathryn Dyer (


Once upon a time there was a little girl named Meagan. She lived with her mommy and daddy, her big brother Corwin and her beautiful cat named Starweaver. 

One day in spring Meagan was walking with her father in the woods behind their house. He was showing her some of the plants that lived in the woods. Michael smiled down at Meagan, "Well, soon it will be Ostara Meagan. We will be planting seeds to celebrate. Do you know what kind of seeds you want to plant for the harvest in the fall?" Meagan thought hard. She knew that Ostara was one of the holidays when pagans ask the gods to make the fields fertile so that there would be food for winter. "I like flowers, daddy," she said, "but I wish that I could plant niceness". Her daddy looked confused, "What do you mean?"

"Well," said Meagan, "Sometimes I have a hard time being nice to one of the boys at my school. He's really mean to everyone. I don't like being around him. I know that I should be nice to him even when he's mean to me but it's really, really hard to do. That's why I wish that I could plant some niceness." "Hmmm," said Michael, "Do you want niceness for him so that he won't be so mean, or niceness for you so that you can be nice to him even when you don't feel like it?" Meagan stopped to pick up Starweaver who was rubbing her legs, "I'd like him to be nice to me, but if he won't then I guess that I need some more niceness for me to give to him." Michael nodded, "I see. Well, it wouldn't be right to work magic on him without asking him first." Meagan gasped, "I couldn't do that!"

"No," said Michael, "but there's no reason that you can't plant some niceness for yourself." They turned a corner on the path and started back toward their house. Just then, Meagan's big brother Corwin came racing toward them. "Hey!," he shouted, "Mom's got the eggs to dye for Ostara!" Meagan clapped her hands in glee and jumped up and down. "Run ahead," said her daddy, "Just make sure you save some for me." Meagan and Corwin ran back to the house. They slowed down when they got to the door. It was a safety rule in their family not to run indoors unless it was an emergency. Meagan didn't think that her mother Elizabeth would think that eggs were an emergency. 

When Meagan got inside the kitchen she saw her best friend Cindy sitting at the table. Cindy's mom Anna was standing at the stove with Elizabeth. "Hi!," said Cindy, "My mom met your mom at the store and she said we could come over and make Easter eggs with you!" 

Meagan slid into the chair next to Cindy. "Cool," she said, "but we're making Ostara eggs!" "Meagan!", her mom turned around, "that's not very nice. You know that Cindy is Christian and not Pagan!" Anna turned with her, "Actually, we don't celebrate Easter as a religious holiday like some Christians do. For us, it's just the day when the Easter bunny comes! 

Here kids, we have special dyes made from herbs for you to use. You should put on these gloves first so that you don't dye your hands!" Meagan and Cindy quickly put on their gloves while Elizabeth and Anna set out the dye pots. There were all the colours of the rainbow. Meagan had learned a name that helped her remember the colours of the rainbow. "Roy G. Biv," she told Cindy, "that stands for red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet." "I know that," answered Cindy, "and I remember that you said red was for fire. Yellow is for air. Green is for earth. Blue is for water." Meagan smiled at her friend. They coloured all the eggs and put them in special racks that Corwin had made for the eggs to dry. 

Soon it was time for Cindy to go home. "Mom says I can come back on Easter and we'll have an egg hunt!" she told Meagan. "I'll ask my mom if you can spend the night before!" said Meagan. She gave Cindy a hug goodbye.

Meagan couldn't wait for the holidays. Soon it was time to celebrate Ostara. Her parents had explained that Ostara was also called the Spring Equinox. On the equinox the day was just as long as the night. They told her that even though the Christian church had taken a form of the name Ostara for their spring holiday, Easter was based on the Jewish holiday of Passover. Christ had been celebrating Passover when the bad people came to take him to jail. 

The other members of the coven came to Meagan's house. She and Corwin helped to decorate the circle with flowers. Just before circle was going to start Michael took Meagan apart. "This is for you," he said, as he handed her a big seed that was coloured bright pink. "What is it?" asked Meagan. "Well, tonight we will all plant seeds to represent things in our lives that we want to grow over the summer. This is a seed to stand for niceness." Meagan hugged her daddy close. "Thank you" she said. She couldn't wait to plant her seed.

It took awhile for Meagan's seed to grow. Some days it was still hard for her to be nice to people who were mean to her. But thinking about her growing seed helped. 

When Easter came, Cindy was sick and couldn't come over to Meagan's house. Meagan was really mad. Her parents reminded her that Cindy didn't want to be sick. Meagan stopped and thought about it. Her parents had sent her to her room because she had gotten so mad that she had been stomping all around the house. She thought about how she would feel if she were the one who had been sick. 

Soon Elizabeth came to tell her she could come back out. "I'm sorry mommy," Meagan said, "Could we make a basket to take to Cindy so that she will feel better?" Elizabeth smiled, "I think that that would make her feel much better." She took Meagan downstairs and helped her make a basket for Cindy.

Later they took the basket to Cindy's house. Meagan couldn't go in because Elizabeth and Anna didn't want her to get whatever Cindy had. She stood in the yard and waved up at Cindy's window. Elizabeth came back out, "Cindy said to tell you thank you for the basket. It really made her feel much better. It was very nice of you to think of doing that for her. Especially when you were so mad about her not being able to come over today." 

Meagan stopped at the car, "I guess that my niceness seed is growing." Elizabeth smiled, "I guess that it is." 

Later that night Meagan lay in her bed with Starweaver curled up beside her. She was still a little sad that Cindy could not come over to hunt eggs. But she felt proud that she had thought of doing something that made Cindy feel better. Her niceness seed was really growing big. All in all, she thought, it had been a good day. 




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