47 Tucanae
My first ever Astro Image
12 x 2 sec images
Camera: Meade DSI (C)
Telescope: 8" LX90 (ALT/AZ)
29th Sept, 2007 |
M4 (Open Cluster in Scorpius)
10 x 30 sec images - unguided in Alt/Az mode
Camera: Canon 400D (unmodded)
Telescope: 8" LX90 w/ Meade f/6.3 FR
30th May, 2008
Canon Raw images converted and stacked using MaxDSLR
Processed in Photoshop CS3
M20 (Triffid Nebula)
20 x 60 sec images - unguided in Alt/Az mode
Camera: Canon 400D (unmodded)
Telescope: 8" LX90 w/ Meade f/6.3 FR
31st May, 2008
Canon Raw images converted and stacked using IRIS
Processed in Photoshop CS3 |
M7 (Open Cluster in Scorpius)
5 x 7 sec images - unguided in Alt/Az mode
Camera: Canon 400D (unmodded)
Telescope: 8" LX90 w/ Meade f/6.3 FR
31st May, 2008
Canon Raw images converted and stacked using IRIS
Processed in Photoshop CS3 |
Dumbell Nebula (M27)
37 x 15 sec images - unguided in Alt/Az mode
Camera: Canon 400D (unmodded)
ISO 800
Telescope: 8" LX90 w/ Meade f/6.3 FR
3rd July, 2008
Canon Raw images converted and stacked using Deep Sky Stacker
Processed in Photoshop CS3 |
16 x 30 sec images - guided through ST80
Camera: Canon 400D (unmodded)
Telescope: 8" LX90 w/ Meade f/6.3 FR
12th Sept, 2008
Canon Raw images converted and stacked using DSS
Processed in Photoshop CS3
20 x 180 sec guided through ED80 using ST237
Camera: Canon 400D (unmodded)
Telescope: 10" LX200GPS w/ Meade f/6.3 FR
28th March, 2009
Canon Raw images converted and stacked using Deep Sky Stacker
Processed in Photoshop CS3
M65 & M66 in LEO
20 x 180 sec guided through ED80 using ST237
Camera: Canon 400D (unmodded)
Telescope: 10" LX200GPS w/ Meade f/6.3 FR
28th March, 2009
Canon Raw images converted and stacked using Deep Sky Stacker
Processed in Photoshop CS3
Another M42
5 x 120 sec guided through ED80 using ST237
Camera: Canon 400D (unmodded)
Telescope: 10" LX200GPS w/ Meade f/6.3 FR
28th March, 2009
Canon Raw images converted and stacked using Deep Sky Stacker
Processed in Photoshop CS3
Omega Centauri
20 x 60 sec guided through ED80 using ST237
Camera: Canon 400D (unmodded)
Telescope: 10" LX200GPS w/ Meade f/6.3 FR
17th April, 2009
Canon Raw images converted and stacked using MaximDL
Processed in Photoshop CS3 |
Sombrero Galaxy
20 x 180 sec images @ ISO400
Guided through ED80 using ST237
Camera: Canon 400D (unmodded)
Telescope: 10" LX200GPS w/ Meade f/6.3 FR
17th April, 2009
Canon Raw images converted and stacked using MaximDL
Processed in Photoshop CS3 |
M64 (Black Eye Galaxy)
20 x 180 sec exposures @ ISO400
Guided through ED80 using Meage DSI II Pro & PHD
Camera: Canon 400D (unmodded)
Telescope: 10" LX200GPS w/ Meade f/6.3 FR
15th May, 2009
Canon Raw images converted and stacked using MaximDL
Processed in Photoshop CS3
NGC 4038 / 4039 (Antennae Galaxies)
20 x 180 sec exposures @ ISO400
Guided through ED80 / Meade DSI II Pro using PHD
Camera: Canon 400D (unmodded)
Telescope: 10" LX200GPS w/ Meade f/6.3 FR
16th May, 2009
Raw images converted and stacked using MaximDL
Processed in Photoshop CS3 |
Eagle Nebula
10x300secs + 5x600secs subs
Guided through LX200 using DSI Pro II
Camera: QHY-8
Telescope: Skywatcher ED80
23rd June, 2009
Images stacked using MaximDL - No callibration
Processed in Photoshop CS3
Eagle Nebula
Guided throughED80 using PHD with DSI Pro II
Camera: QHY-8
Telescope:10" LX200GPS @f/6.3
4th July, 2009
Images stacked using MaximDL
Processed in Photoshop CS3
Triffid Nebula
Guided throughED80 using PHD with DSI Pro II
Camera: QHY-8
Telescope:10" LX200GPS @f/6.3
3rd July, 2009
Images stacked using MaximDL
Processed in Photoshop CS3 |
Lagoon Nebula (M8)
Guided throughED80 using PHD with DSI Pro II
Camera: QHY-8
Telescope:10" LX200GPS @f/6.3
3rd July, 2009
Images stacked using MaximDL
Processed in Photoshop CS3 |
M8 (Lagoon Nebula)
20 x 300 sec exposures
Guided through LX200FPS / Meade DSI II Pro using PHD
Camera: QHY8
Telescope: Skywatcher ED80
8th July, 2009
Raw images converted and stacked using MaximDL
Processed in Photoshop CS3
M17 (Swan Nebula)
20 x 300 sec exposures
Guided through LX200FPS / Meade DSI II Pro using PHD
Camera: QHY8
Telescope: Skywatcher ED80
8th July, 2009
Raw images converted and stacked using MaximDL
Processed in Photoshop CS3 |
20 x 300 sec exposures - QHY8
Guided through ED80 / Meade DSI II Pro using PHD
Telescope: Skywatcher ED80
11th September, 2009
Raw images converted and stacked using MaximDL
Processed in Photoshop CS3 |
Sculptor Galaxy
20 x 300 sec exposures - QHY8
Guided through ED80 / Meade DSI II Pro using PHD
Telescope: 10" LX200GPS
11th September, 2009
Raw images converted and stacked using MaximDL
Processed in Photoshop CS3 |
NGC 7582, 7590 & 7599
48 x 200 sec exposures - 400D
Guided through ED80 / Meade DSI II Pro using PHD
Telescope: 10" LX200GPS
25th September, 2009
Raw images converted and stacked using MaximDL
Deconvolved in CCDSTACK
Processed in Photoshop CS3 |
20 x 60 sec exposures - 400D
Guided through ED80 / Meade DSI II Pro using PHD
Telescope: 10" LX200GPS
25th September, 2009
Raw images converted and stacked using MaximDL
Deconvolved in CCDSTACK
Processed in Photoshop CS3 |
First Light with my FSQ106 & QHY9
Eta Carinae Region
Camera: QHY9 (Mono)
Lum 10 mins
Mount: Losmandy Titan
Telescope: Takahashi FSQ-106
23rd Jan, 2010
Stacked using MaximDL
Processed in Photoshop CS3
Omega Centauri
Camera: QHY9 (Mono)
Lum 10 mins, RGB 5 mins each
Mount: Losmandy Titan
Guided through ST80 using Meade DSI II
Telescope: Takahashi FSQ-106
26th Feb, 2010
Stacked using MaximDL
Processed in Photoshop CS3 |
Eta Carinae Region
Camera: QHY9 (Mono)
Lum 100 mins, RGB 25 mins each
Mount: Losmandy Titan
Guided through ST80 using Meade DSI II
Telescope: Takahashi FSQ-106
25th March, 2010
Stacked using MaximDL
Processed in Photoshop CS3 |
Southern Pinwheel Galaxy (M83)
Camera: QHY9 (Mono)
Lum 50 mins (10 x 300 secs subs)
RGB 25 mins each (10 x 150 secs subs bin 2x2)
Mount: Losmandy Titan
Guided through ST80 using Meade DSI II
Telescope: Takahashi FSQ-106
15th May, 2010
Stacked using CCDStack
Processed in Photoshop CS3 |
Virgo Cluster (NGC4438)
Camera: QHY9 (Mono)
Lum 50 mins (10 x 300 secs subs)
RGB 25 mins each (10 x 150 secs subs bin 2x2)
Mount: Losmandy Titan
Guided through ST80 using Meade DSI II
Telescope: Takahashi FSQ-106
16th May, 2010
Stacked using CCDStack
Processed in Photoshop CS3
Swan Nebula (M17)
Camera: QHY9 (Mono)
Lum 50 mins (10 x 300 secs subs)
RGB 25 mins each (10 x 150 secs subs bin 2x2)
Mount: Losmandy Titan
Guided through ST80 using Meade DSI II
Telescope: Takahashi FSQ-106
12th June, 2010
Stacked using CCDStack
Processed in Photoshop CS3 |
Leo Triplet (M65, M66 & NGC3628)
Camera: QHY9 (Mono)
Lum 50 mins (10 x 300 secs subs)
RGB 25 mins each (10 x 150 secs subs bin 2x2)
Mount: Losmandy Titan
Guided through ST80 using Meade DSI II
Telescope: Takahashi FSQ-106
22nd June, 2010
Stacked using CCDStack
Processed in Photoshop CS3 |
Lagoon (M8) & Triffid (M20)
Camera: QHY9 (Mono)
Lum 250 mins (50 x 300 secs subs)
RGB 25 mins each (10 x 150 secs subs)
Mount: Losmandy Titan
Guided through ST80 using Meade DSI II
Telescope: Takahashi FSQ-106
16th July, 2010
Stacked using CCDStack
Processed in Photoshop CS3
Helix Nebula (NGC7293) in Ha
Camera: QHY9 (Mono)
Ha 180 mins (18 x 600 secs subs)
Mount: Losmandy Titan
Guided through ST80 using Meade DSI II
Telescope: Takahashi FSQ-106
23rd November, 2010
Captured using MaximDL 5
Stacked using CCDStack
Processed in Photoshop CS3
Horse Head Nebula (IC434) in Ha
Camera: QHY9 (Mono)
Ha 150 mins (15 x 600 secs subs)
Mount: Losmandy Titan
Guided through ST80 using Meade DSI II
Telescope: Takahashi FSQ-106
23rd November, 2010
Captured using MaximDL 5
Stacked using CCDStack
Processed in Photoshop CS3 |
Lagoon Nebula M8) in Ha
Camera: QHY9 (Mono)
Ha 150 mins (10 x 900 secs subs)
Mount: Losmandy Titan
Guided through ST80 using Meade DSI II
Telescope: Takahashi FSQ-106
23rd November, 2010
Captured using MaximDL 5
Stacked using CCDStack
Processed in Photoshop CS3 |
Seagull Nebula (NGC2032) in HaRGB
Camera: QHY9 (Mono)
Ha 300 mins, RGB 20mins each
Mount: Losmandy Titan
Guided through ST80 using Meade DSI II
Telescope: Takahashi FSQ-106
23rd November, 2010
Captured using MaximDL 5
Stacked using CCDStack
Processed in Photoshop CS3 |