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Who can resist crystals! Endlessly fascinating, diverse and beautiful.


Below is some general notes, and links to some excellent and comprehensive sites with more information.











Metaphysical Properties of Quartz Crystals



Generally, quartz crystals grow in a hexagonal (six sided) structure, with additional faces sloping towards a point at one end. A crystal with these characteristics is itself also called a POINT. Points may be totally clear and transparent, or they may contain streaks, lines, rainbows, water bubbles or other inclusions. They may also appear cloudy if they have grown in a place where it freezes in the winter. Optical clarity usually has little to do with a crystal's quality and its ability to amplify the subtle energies.



Quartz crystals are a gift from the earth. They have the ability to amplify or strengthen the things in you that are positive, and can help you put away things that cause you fear or anger. They can strengthen your ability to be a loving person, and can enhance your abilities to enjoy life and accomplish the things you want in life. They can amplify INTENTION, reduce stress, help with CENTRING (balancing or calming), strengthen HEALING abilities, and surround you with PROTECTION by amplifying white light. Any healthy quartz crystal point can strengthen these things and help produce personal growth by amplifying the subtle energies that flow inside you.



To select a crystal, first put yourself in a calm space. Hold the crystal in your right hand with the point towards you. Feel it physically. Be open to sensations like TINGLING, or change in temperature. Also feel the crystal emotionally. Think of the purpose you want it for, and see if you feel attracted to it. Be more concerned with how it feels than how it looks. Allow the crystal to pick you by interacting with it in this way. And remember to go with your initial feeling. If you need a specialized type of crystal to work with, consider one of the types described below.



In addition to the general characteristics mentioned above, quartz crystals sometimes have other special attributes that enhance their power. To identify these special types of crystals, pay particular attention to the largest of the faces that slope toward the point. Does it have pyramids (triangles) on it? Count the number of edges surrounding the face. This number can be anywhere from 3 to 8, and is one of the things that determines the special characteristics of the crystal. In addition to strengthening the Inner Being as all crystals do, the crystals listed below are true teachers and provide additional special help. Most of them are relatively rare, and they should be highly treasured when one of them finds you.


CERRIDWEN CRYSTALS have five edges surrounding the largest sloping face. These crystals strongly amplify the feminine energy, and can help you get in touch with the 'female' or unselfish side of yourself, no matter whether you are a man or a woman. These crystals are useful in balancing your male-female energy if the female energy has been suppressed, or if you need a greater balance of female energy for any reason. Cerridwen crystals put you in touch with the power of the Goddess.

For men, the Cerridwen crystal will help you become more in tune with your feminine side and to become more aware of the aspects of women that you may find troubling.  For women, the Cerridwen crystal will help you regain some of the power and energy that society has taken from you. Teaches that feminine is not weak. Anyone doing healing work with another person needs the Cerridwen energy to be effective.  The Cerridwen crystal should be carried or held when dealing with issues that are emotional and difficult.

Exercise: Cerridwen crystals can be used to project nurturing energy toward another person. To do this, sit quietly with the Cerridwen crystal in your hand with the point directed away from you. Visualize the person that you wish to help and visualize white light going from the point of the crystal and surrounding the person.

To nurture yourself, sit with the Cerridwen crystal in your hand with the point directed toward you. Visualize white light going from the point of the crystal and surrounding you. After doing this you should feel strong and cared for.

CHANNELING CRYSTALS have seven edges surrounding the largest sloping face. These crystals are especially useful for obtaining information from deep within yourself or from sources that are outside of your normal realm. They can help you draw on the knowledge and information that is provided by the universe, and can aid you in getting help from a higher source. A channeling crystal can be used anytime you are seeking answers or help from outside of yourself. You must `listen' very carefully when using this crystal and realize that answers can come from many sources. Meditation is used with these crystals to get knowledge from the universe, and to communicate with your spirit guide. It can only be used by the person holding the crystal.

Communication with Guide: A channeling crystal is a line of communication with sources outside yourself. Generally, the main source is your guide. A guide is a non-physical entity whose primary job is to look after you. Every human being has a guide. Guides are sometimes called other things, such as conscience, or angels, but they are always with us. We must learn to listen to what they have to say. Your guide will never tell you what to do, or interfere in other ways with what you want to do, but your guide is there to help you find answers for yourself. And you can use your channeling crystal to let your guide be your conscience.

A channeling crystal can only be used by the person holding it. In other words, you can't send the energy to someone else in order to let him receive the information directly. However, since guides communicate readily with each other, you can become good at getting information to people by asking your guide to give you the needed information for someone else, and then relaying it to the person. This is how you channel information for others. Channeling crystals amplify the quiet inner voice of your guide, and can be a big help in learning how to channel information, both for yourself and for others.

Exercise: Sit quietly holding the channeling crystal in your hand and focus on or consider the problem or area that you need help with. `Listen' carefully but remember that the answer might not come immediately. Often, in the beginning you may find that you wake up some morning and seem to `know' what to do. When you are working on a problem, keep the channeling crystal with you as much as possible and keep it close at night. Sometimes that is the only time the answers can come clearly when you are just starting to open yourself.

GROUNDING CRYSTALS have eight edges surrounding the largest sloping face. They are quite rare and not always easily available. Grounding is the ability to deal with practical matters in a realistic way. For example, in dealing with the question `How am I going to make a living', a grounded person will consider his skills and decide how best to use those skills to make a living. An ungrounded or `spacey' person does not like to deal with the practical or realistic aspects of life.

Grounding crystals help you deal with practical matters in a realistic way. They connect you with the earth and keep your energies from being scattered. They help you think clearly and express yourself clearly. When used in meditation they help you form a strong connection with higher knowledge, but keep you grounded so that you can apply that information in practical terms. When using a grounding crystal to work through a personal problem, remember that it will require you to look at the truth of the situation and compel you to deal with that truth.

It is sometimes difficult to recognize times when you need this crystal because not being grounded can be a way of life for some people. These days, it is common to be a little spacey because of things going on in our world. When you are having trouble concentrating, feeling a reluctance to tackle a task that needs doing, or find yourself running in circles but accomplishing nothing, you need a grounding crystal.

Exercise: Sit quietly holding the crystal. Visualize yourself firmly rooted to the earth. Breathe deeply and visualize the roots going deeper into the earth. Continue this exercise until you feel calm and peaceful. When you are having a `spacey' time be sure to keep your grounding crystal close to you. Some people may need to keep it with them most of the time.

You can sometimes help another person become more grounded by sitting quietly, holding your grounding crystal, and visualizing that person being firmly rooted to the earth.

WINDOW CRYSTALS have a small diamond shaped face which takes the place of one of the corners where two of the parallel faces usually meet the corresponding two sloping faces. Window crystals are introspection crystals in that they help you see what is inside yourself. They help bring things to the surface so you can see them and effectively deal with them. If you are having problems and aren't sure why, a window crystal can be a good help.

Window crystals are used for working within yourself to deal with problems and changes that must be made in your life. They are used in meditation to help you solve problems that are troubling your Inner Being. For example, if you find you are very jealous of a friend, you can use a window crystal to work within yourself to find the reason and deal with it.

Think of a window crystal as a window into your soul. These are very personal crystals, and when one comes into your hands, it is intended to help you specifically.

Exercise: Sit with the crystal in your hand and concentrate on whatever there is within you that needs dealing with or changing. Just sit quietly and allow your mind to go where it wants to go. If you aren't sure what changes you need to make, sit with the crystal and ask it directly to help you find the areas in your life that may be causing you problems that you are not aware of.

This crystal can be used when trying to help someone else solve problems. If a friend comes to you to talk about a problem have him hold the window crystal while you talk. It can help him open up.

RECEIVER CRYSTALS have a small diamond shaped face which takes the place of one of the corners where two of the parallel faces usually meet the corresponding two sloping faces. Window crystals are introspection crystals in that they help you see what is inside yourself. They help bring things to the surface so you can see them and effectively deal with them. If you are having problems and aren't sure why, a window crystal can be a good help.

Receiver are used for working within yourself to deal with problems and changes that must be made in your life. They are used in meditation to help you solve problems that are troubling your Inner Being. For example, if you find you are very jealous of a friend, you can use a Receiver crystal to work within yourself to find the reason and deal with it.

Think of a Receiver crystal as a window into your soul. These are very personal crystals, and when one comes into your hands, it is intended to help you specifically.

Exercise: Sit with the crystal in your hand and concentrate on whatever there is within you that needs dealing with or changing. Just sit quietly and allow your mind to go where it wants to go. If you aren't sure what changes you need to make, sit with the crystal and ask it directly to help you find the areas in your life that may be causing you problems that you are not aware of.

This crystal can be used when trying to help someone else solve problems. If a friend comes to you to talk about a problem have him hold the Receiver crystal while you talk. It can help him open up.

RECORD KEEPERS have a pyramid shaped indention or elevation that appears to be etched on one of the sloping faces. These are fairly rare, and often the pyramid will not be noticed until the crystal comes into the hands of the person it was meant to work with. Sometimes the pyramid can disappear and sometimes more pyramids show up. Each of these crystals has its own special lesson to teach, usually the lesson the person most needs to learn.

Record keepers differ from window crystals in that window crystals help you look inside yourself to let you see the various things you need to learn, while record keepers deal with a specific lesson that you need to learn. A record keeper will often pass from your hands very quickly once the lesson is learned.

Carry your record keeper or put it close to your bed so that it can work with you. It can also be used for meditation.

Some crystals have several special characteristics, i.e. a Cerridwen with a Record. In this case there is a specific lesson to learn that deals with the feminine side of your energy. If you have an Cerridwen with a window it means that you need to look inside to find the areas in your feminine side that are causing you problems.



TWIN CRYSTALS have two terminations (points) at the same end, which have developed from a single base. You can tell a twin crystal from two crystals that are simply attached to each other, by the fact that both parts of a twin crystal are exactly parallel to each other, and have no boundary between them in at least a small region of the crystal. These are wonderful crystals to use when dealing with `relationship' things. They can help you gain insight into the underlying problems in a relationship, and help work through them. They can generate very positive energy towards improving a relationship. This works for any kind of relationship, not only a man-woman relationship. A twin with a rainbow can be very effectively used to project healing energy into a relationship or to keep a good relationship strong.

When you are having a problem with a relationship sit quietly with the twin and ask for help. Remember, that answers come from many directions.

Twins are personal crystals as one of the twins is very closely tuned to your energy, so it is not possible to use this crystal to work for others in relationship matters.



DOUBLE TERMINATED CRYSTALS are crystals that have points on both ends, allowing energy to flow readily in both directions. Double terminated crystals strengthen energy flow, and are especially useful when you need to share or exchange energy between you and another person. They are useful when you are working to help other people, for example in massage or counselling, where energy needs to flow in both directions. In these situations, energy flows toward you when you tune in to a person to find out what that person needs, and energy flows from you when you give the person the needed healing energy. Double terminated crystals are very important to people doing healing work for themselves or others. They also help teach sharing through energy exchange.

Exercise: If you are feeling out of balance with the world, sit quietly and hold the double terminated crystal in your right hand. Visualize white light flowing into the first point, through the crystal and out the other point directly into your body.

If working with someone else, visualize energy flowing into you through the top of your head, down your arm, through the crystal, and into the other person. This can be done while you are with the person or it can work from a distance.

If you have children, try using this crystal to send positive energy to the child when the child is upset or angry. It can have a very calming effect on both of you.



GENERATOR CRYSTALS are equal sided crystals so that all six sides come to a symmetrical point. For channeling and directing energy of chakras. A chakra is one of the seven energy centers of the human body.



RAINBOW CRYSTALS have a rainbow reflected from within the crystal. Usually they are best viewed in sunlight. These crystals are especially good as meditation crystals for working deep within the subconscious. They work particularly well to lighten the mood for people experiencing sadness, grief or depression. Just holding a rainbow crystal can lighten your mood. Rainbow crystals are also very good at drawing negativity from a room or a situation. Always cleanse a crystal that has been used to clear negativity by letting it sit in the sunshine for a while.

Exercise: Rainbow crystals bring joy into your life. If you are sad or depressed sit and meditate on the rainbow. It can help lighten your mood. If working with another, let him hold the crystal if he is with you. If he is not with you, hold the rainbow and visualize white light leaving the rainbow and going to him.


CRYSTALS WITH BABIES are crystals that have tiny crystals growing inside a larger crystal. These are very good for people who have had traumatic childhoods, physically or emotionally. They are helpful for people who are blocking painful memories. They help bring the cause of the pain to the surface and allow the person to successfully deal with it, while shielding that person from the pain those memories can cause. These crystals work well for people who are working through current family problems.

Work slowly with this type of crystal, so that things can be cleared at your own pace. You may not feel inclined to work with it at all in the beginning. Don't force yourself. When you are ready, you will find yourself drawn to that particular crystal. You may have this crystal for years before you use it.

Also, sometimes crystals come to you so that they can go to someone else. For example, someone might receive a crystal with babies, have it for some time and not be drawn to it at all. Suddenly they will have an urge to pass it on to someone else.

You can use this crystal in meditation or just keep it close to you. Just be prepared to deal with whatever comes up. Try to have some sort of support around you if you are going to work with this crystal.


TRIGGER CRYSTALS have a smaller crystal growing out from them. This `trigger' can be gently squeezed to activate the power of the crystal and strengthen its attributes. These are just used for a surge of a particular kind of energy.



SELF-HEALED & PHANTOM CRYSTALS: A self-healed crystal is one that has been broken off and damaged quite badly, but then begins to grow again. A phantom is a crystal that has had some impurity drop on it during growth, but then continues to grow right around the impurity. Either of these types of crystal can help you heal from being hurt, heal from emotional injuries. These are important crystals that will usually come into your life at a time when you are carrying a lot of pain. Just sitting with this crystal will help you deal with the pain effectively.


CLUSTERS: These represent community and are very powerful at clearing any negative energy from a room. Just set one out somewhere and allow it to work to clear the environment.






AMETHYST/SMOKY CLUSTERS: These particular clusters are mined in a very small area of the Colorado Rockies. They are powerful in keeping the spirit centred because they carry a special kind of energy that keeps all the energy centres within the body aligned, balanced, and in harmony with each other.



BRAZILIAN CRYSTALS: Crystals from Brazil have the special quality of enhancing your ability to project energy over a distance. For example, in some of the above exercises, where you are sending healing energy to someone that is too far away for you to touch physically, hold a Brazilian crystal along with the other crystal to strengthen the transmission.



TIBETAN CRYSTALS: These extremely rare crystals are hand mined high in the mountains of Tibet, and are carried down the mountainside by backpack. Tibetan crystals are for protection. Just having a Tibetan crystal close to you puts up an automatic shield against negative energy. It also helps shield you from other people's negative energy. This shield is even stronger if you do a centring exercise while holding the crystal.



CRYSTAL BALL - The sphere is an expression of infinite symmetry. The reflected image of a person's aura lets the trained interpreter see and know much about a person.




Crystalline order is at the base of all life. A crystalline structure consists of units of energy that align themselves harmoniously with other fellow sub atomic particles, sort themselves, form repeating rows, layers and lattices according to the laws of nature. Therefore, crystal is a general term for a substance with a systematic ordered structure in a definite symmetrical pattern. They are incredibly organised with a highly organised latticework. Because of this organisation, they have an effect on organising energy fields around them. Crystalline structures are bones, muscles, water, salt, rock, wood, gemstones and quartz. From this it can be seen, that a human being is a crystalline structure!

Modern physicists have affirmed that all physical form consists in essence, not of matter, but energy. Therefore the nature of physical matter is dynamic, moving and dancing. Therefore everything that exists is an external manifestation of an energy form, a vibration. We can therefore say that all crystalline structures are highly organised patterns of energy, yet each individual structure has its own vibration or frequency rate. Natural quartz crystals have extremely high and exact rates of vibration that can be precisely manipulated to augment, store, amplify, transfer, transform and focus other rates of vibration. Because of these qualities quartz crystals can be used to modify thoughts, emotions, and bodies by first effecting changes on the subtle non-physical planes (energy fields).

Quartz consists of four oxygen atoms plus one silicon atom to make one molecular unit. Groups of these units link together to form spirals of molecular units that create a three dimensional latticework of systematic uniformity. They are 6 sided with two sides parallel to one another which reflects the hexagonal structure of pure quartz molecules (like a beehive!). These six sides also correspond to the six major chakras in the trunk and head of the physical body with the point corresponding to the seventh chakra.

This structure responds in a precise and predictable way to all energy - light, heat, sound, thought waves, electricity - by the molecular units oscillating at high speeds back and forth to unite and create specific vibrations that pulse through the crystal to the surrounding environment.

The quartz crystal receives energy, processes it, then transmits the oscillations outward in precise vibration patterns. Whatever is projected in comes out in a focused and amplified way. The quartz crystal does not distinguish from dark and therefore the key is the INTENT of the person using the crystal.

Thus, our journey into crystalline energies is a journey into the self. The crystal is an energetic mirror to allow us to look deeply and honestly at ourselves. I therefore call my crystal workshop - Inner Crystal Voyage.


Choosing, Cleansing, Clearing And Programming


All crystals need to be treated with respect and love. If they are used as a tool, do so with humility and gratitude. In choosing a crystal, it is necessary to find one that vibrates in harmony with the self and with the specific purpose for which you are bringing it into your life. Like attracts like. Each human and each crystal has its own vibration.

In front of you is a tray of crystals - quartz and others. Look at them. Feel them. There are a number of ways to know which is right for you. Instant rapport - is there one that you instantly are drawn to? Strong energies - move your hand over the top and feel the energies from each and see which one you are drawn to. Physical attraction - is there one that you really, really like the look of and must pick it up and feel it?

Quartz crystals store vibrations that come from sound, light, touch, emotions, other bodies, physical environment and affects those coming in contact with the crystal. Thus, they need to be cleared before working with them and after they have been used; when it appears to lack vitality or looks dull; and to neutralise internal programs. Please remember that they are an energy storage device. To clear, you will hold the quartz in your hands and pulse with the mental intent to clear.



Programming Crystals

The only crystal that can be programmed is Quartz. First make sure your crystal is cleansed. Sit in a quiet place and still your mind. Think clearly about what thought you want the crystal to hold, take a deep breath, holding the crystal in your left hand, blow your intention onto the crystal. This is a very powerful way to program the crystal. You can programme a crystal to help you do most things. Try and use different crystals for separate things. Use one for healing, one for information storage, one for music, etc. Crystals are also programmed with the use of the pulse breath. Both the clearing and programming are done with quartz crystals only as the coloured stones have their own innate programs. When humans and quartz crystals work together, the crystal becomes a very sensitive and precise tool. They accumulate the intentions/programs of the user; magnify and amplify them; focus them and feed them back to the environment. When we program, the crystal is keyed to our personal vibration and thus it becomes an extension of self. The storage of programs in a crystal is similar to the storing of data on a computer chip. 



Cleansing Crystals

Now you have your quartz crystal what do you do with it? It now needs to have the outside cleansed. The best way to do this is with luke warm soapy water. This cleans the outside of the vibrations of its travels from the miner to the buyer to the importer, to the wholesaler etc. It also needs cleaning when it is dirty, dusty or has body oil on it from your handling. Just as you need a shower or bath on a regular basis, so do your crystals. Many also like to bathe in the light of the moon. My preference is the moon rather than the sun. All your crystals like to be cleaned, be they quartz or gemstones. I do not clean my crystals in salt of any kind as many books recommend. Salt is crystalline. If you look at your crystals, you may see very minute cracks. If a piece of salt goes into that crack and stays there, it could crack the crystal.   Running water is good, fresh water, rivers, streams. Visualisation of the crystal in a mountain steam, or flooded with white light, is also a good way. Your intent must be pure. Never use hot or warm water. Always cleanse after it has been used in any sort of healing and when you want to re-programme it.



Charging Crystals

Crystals need to be charged up, somewhat like a car battery. The way to do this is very similar to cleansing. Again in the sun, under the moon, any holy place, by a stream or river. Leave as long as you feel is right. Don't leave them in draws or dark places they like to be out in the open to work to their full potential.



Wearing Crystals

Usually worn round the neck, stimulating the thyroid and increasing the efficiency of the immune system. Also assists the respiratory system and sore throats. When the crystal is pointing down it is grounding, soothing and calming. Giving energy to all systems. When pointing upwards this strengthens the spirit and gives a general uplift. A double terminated crystal (pointed at both ends) is excellent to use as it balances the two, giving a combination of both.






(This an image of a quartz crystal taken using ISIS focused on the centre of the bio-field, showing energy streams and patterning flowing within and around the crystal.)



Excellent links to sites with Crystal information other people have put together:



This site is an e-shop, but if you click on each crystal, it gives you a great picture, description, and uses guide.



This Aussie site has HEAPS of information on crystals: History, Properties A-Z, gem therapy etc.





This is my beautiful Chrysanthemum stone. Can you see the fairy sitting on the right hand side of the stone?

I outlined her a bit on the right picture so you can see easier. (Cude rendering I know, but you get the drift)


About the Chrysanthemum stone.


Chrysanthemum Stone allows one to take the time to drift slowly through the blossoms of life.. Chrysanthemum Stone is a stone of harmony an change.. enhances compatibility, is excellent for renewal of relationships, and helps to progress toward unity.. brings the message to enjoy each moment.. Chrysanthemum Stone helps one to bloom and to progress on the path toward the perfect self. ... the Chrysanthemum stone inspires, enlivens and enkindles... helps to eliminate jealousy, animosity, and resentment from ones character... Chrysanthemum Stone is helpful for time travel.



 Drifts energy gently through time, facilitating time travel.  It exudes calm confidence and enhances any environment with it gentle presence.  Radiating harmony, it synthesizes change with equilibrium and shows how the two can work together. 


This crystal helps you to enjoy being centered in the present moment and encourages the self to bloom.  It inspires and energizes and brings endeavours to fruition.  This crystal teaches you to to remain childlike, fun loving and innocent while on the spiritual path and provides an impetuosity to self development.


Strengthening character, it overcomes bigotry, ignorance, narrow mindedness, self righteousness and jealousy and encourages showing more love to the world, which in turn brings more love into your life.



Promotes physical maturation and transition. 

It treats the skin, skeleton and eyes. 

It is a useful stone for dispersing toxins and dissolving growths.



Wear, carry or place in the environment. 

Use as as elixir, but make by the indirect method of placing the stone in a glass bowl within the bowl of water as otherwise 'flower' is affected.



Salt Crystal Rocks

Salt Crystal Rocks improve air qualities by enriching air with Negative Ions. Salt Crystal Rock and lamps/candles made from Salt Crystal Rocks are natural air ionizers.

Just put the Salt Crystals chunks on the bowl above the light, and you have your own Salt Light Bowl, just as you see in our picture. As the salt warms up it will produce the negative ions, to help improve the air quality and air born bacteria. This is the same Salt Crystal Rock added. The crystal come from salt mines deep in the ground as do all our
salt crystal products. The crystal rock will NOT melt or loose it's volume with time.

For centuries people know about ability of Salt Crystal Rock to improve air qualities by enriching air with " Negative Ions " and ionized air beneficial to humans. Salt Crystal Rock and lamps made from Salt Crystal Rocks are natural air ionizers. Negative Ions produced by Salt Crystal Lamps effectively, and naturally improve the quality of the air by producing negative ions - the "Vitamins Of The Air". Negative ions can be found in nature, concentrated in air by the billions; on Mountain Tops after Thunder
Storms, near water falls, forests, and by the Sea. Negative Ions give the air its invigorating freshness, airborne bacteria free, clean which is
so beneficial for humans .

Non-illuminated crystals (cool Salt Crystal, underground Salt Mines) produce Negative Ionizing effect, however the Salt Crystal Lamps which are illuminated from inside with a lamp (warm Salt Crystal) produces and emits a higher number of Negative Ions and delivers a more efficient Ionizing Effect. Today, the health benefits of Negative Ionizers are well recognized all over the world. While most ionizers on the market are man-made machines, the Salt Crystal Lamps are a beautiful, less costly, maintenance free, natural alternative of Mother Nature's to improve air quality. With time, the Salt Crystal Lamps will not reduce in size, colour or shape, and will not loose weight, or their ionizing effect!

Beside Air Ionization and Negative Ions production, Salt lamps Illuminated by a light bulb, also produce a beautiful, pleasant to the eyes, mind, and sole, natural Glow of different colours and shades from orange to yellow. This Light Colour Glow and Ionized, Clean, Fresh Air create a special atmosphere of calming meditative balance, tranquillity, peace and well - being for humans.

Many people in Europe and Australia are aware of the benefits of negative ions to our health. These negative Ions are essential for our health and well being. The freshness of the air after a thunderstorm, on a mountain top, or by the seaside, are due to the high concentration of negative ions in the air. On the other hand, the reduced well being one feels in highly polluted areas, cars, factory smog, artificially air conditioned offices, or when certain hot dry wind conditions exist, are usually due to an unduly low negative ion balance (and therefore high proportion of positive ions).





a.. Allergy Sufferers... A Salt Crystal Lamp in your vicinity will help your wellness and keep the air around you clean, ionized naturally, and beautifully.

b.. Anywhere you want the air quality to be improved or preserved anywhere you want to create a cozy, relaxing, wellness environment anywhere you want to enjoy the beauty of nature.

c.. Office workers. A lamp at work can help improve your concentration and refresh you, neutralizing the effects of stress, artificial light and air environment.

d.. Massage rooms. A lamp or two in the massage room will greatly enhance and create a natural lionizing calming, wellness environment and will also keep the air fresh.

e.. Convalescents. While you recover from an illness, a lamp by your bedside will be a comforting and healthy companion.

f.. Office desk, Computer users. Place a Salt Crystal Lamp near your computer to reduce fatigue, counter EMF (electro magnetic pollution) effects from equipment. The lamp will also minimize the effects of all that monitor radiation.

g.. Well accepted by Natural Health Practitioners. A Salt Crystal Lamp glowing in your consulting or treating room assists the healing process and adds to a calming environment.

h.. Parents, place a comforting Salt Crystal Lamp by your child's bedside. It is a completely safe and lovely night light, and will enhance your child's sleep, keeping the atmosphere clean.

i.. Feng Shui fans. A few Salt Crystal Lamps placed at strategic spots will enhance and clear the energy of the room.

j.. Meditators. When you repose in peace and quiet, a Salt Crystal lamp near you is known to enhance your meditative experience.

k.. Smokers. A few lamps around smoky areas will clear away those lingering smells faster.

Speleotherapy Sanatoriums located in European countries: Ukraine, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Armenia, and Asian countries as natural health alternative for respiratory conditions, immune system dysfunction and illnesses.


Speleotherapy Sanatoriums', organized in old, used Salt Crystal Rock mines because of high concentration of Ionized Air, Negative Ions produced by Salt Crystal Rock. Also because of demand from people with respiratory, asthma, allergy and immune deficiency problems. Local people and people from other countries; France, England, Germany, Italy, Spain..... actively use Speleotherapy as Natural Health Alternative without side effects.

Speleotherapy means, be located in a room or area with a presence of Salt Crystal Rock and breathe with Ionized air , Natural Negative Ions produced through Ionization process by Salt Crystal. People sign up for 20 - 30 days Sanatoria course, and stay 900 to 1500 feet underground ( depend on a Salt Crystal Mine location ) without going to the "top" . All living necessities are provided : food, exercise, sleeping, living quarters. Most people leave home with a Ionizing Salt Lamp to continue a positive result of Speleotherapy they have in Sanatorium.

There are different grades or qualities of Salt Crystal Rocks. Prices and quality may vary depending on the origin and reputation of the mines. At Buyamag co. you are assured that the lamps you get are from the most reputable mine location known for their health benefits and lionizing qualities. Clarity, colour, crystal bond, and natural design of these Salt Crystal Rock makes them very attractive as well as therapeutic.

Speleotherapy sanatoriums are organized deep under ground and people stay there 24 hours a day, 20 - 30 days and come back up to the ground surface renewed, refreshed with improved respiratory, allergy and immune systems.



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