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Sun Care


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Natural Sunscreens


A sunscreens has two purposes. Firstly it helps the skin maintain moisture and its own natural oils which can be lost through exposure to the sun's radiation. Secondly, a good sunscreen protect the skin against UVA and UVB rays. It is said that the reduction in the atmosphere's ozone layer has made these rays more damaging. The body's own defense system to sunlight causes skin pigment cells, called melanocytes, to synthesize increasing amounts of melanin,  which is what a tan actually is, gives our skin a protective pigmentation. It may not be quite enough these days, especially if you are fair-skinned or have a family history of skin cancer.


Take Care Tip: If you use perfume oils, avoid citrus oils - such as bergamot, orange, lemon or lime. They may cause unpleasant skin reactions when exposed to the sun. They also reduce a sunscreen's effectiveness.


Sunscreen Lotion Recipe (Natural-Protection Cream)

3 tbsp. unrefined sesame oil
1 tbsp. unrefined avocado oil
1 tbsp. unrefined jojoba oil
1 tbsp. walnut or almond oil
1 tbsp. shea butter
2 tbsp. cocoa butter
1 tsp. beeswax
1 tsp. soya-lecithin
2 tbsp. aloe-vera gel
2 tbsp. rose or lavender water
1/2 tsp. borax powder
20 drops carrot-seed essential oil
3-5 drops coconut fragrance oil (optional)

  1. Melt the first 4 oils, butters and beeswax in a double boiler over medium heat until just melted. Add the soya-lecithin, and stir to blend. Remove from heat.

  2. In a small saucepan, gently warm the aloe-vera gel and rose or lavender water, and stir in borax powder until dissolved. Remove from heat.

  3. When the oil and water mixtures are still warm to the touch and about the same temperature, set the small saucepan into a bowl of ice. Drizzle in the oil mixture while mixing rapidly with a small whisk; a cream will quickly form.

  4. Add carrot-seed essential oil and coconut fragrance oil if desired; blend thoroughly.

  5. Store in a clean, airtight jar or bottle, and refrigerate.



For After-Sun Relief


  • To help reduce inflammation and cool and moisturize sunburned skin, apply a thin coat of yogurt or aloe-vera gel to reddened areas.

  • Spray pure lavender water or hydrosol freely on sun-damaged skin to keep skin hydrated, help prevent peeling and promote the regeneration of cells.

  • Add 2-3 drops of lavender oil to 1 tsp. of a carrier oil, such as sweet-almond oil, and massage onto affected area. Or apply diluted St. John's wort oil.


No Such Thing As A Safe Tan

To protect your skin from harmful UVA radiation, use a suntan lotion with a high sun protection factor. Lotions with plant-based oils, such as vitamin E-rich avocado oil, have enhanced effectiveness. Vitamin E helps prevent premature skin aging due to sun exposure. Remember, there is no such thing as a safe tan. Use common sense, and always avoid any overexposure to the sun.


What is UVA and UVB ?

Although benefits of UVA protection may seem limited in current sunscreens, the lotions are still useful for protecting against UVB rays and should continue to be used. The power of the sun can seem hard to avoid in the heat of the summer, but by following safe sun practices and taking care to protect vulnerable skin, the risk of developing skin cancer can be minimized.

Australian researchers found that UVA rays caused DNA damage to the cells deep within the skin. It is this layer of cells that regenerates our skin and it is feared that damage to the DNA of these cells may increase a person's risk of developing skin cancer.  according to new research, while useful for protecting against UVB rays, lotions are less protective against harmful UVA. 

They discovered that the UVA protection offered by leading sunscreen brands was not what might be expected. Furthermore, even when sunscreens were applied in the recommended concentration, they afforded much lower protection against the melanoma-inducing and skin-ageing UVA light than against UVB.



As well as containing moisturizing properties, avocado, sesame oil and shea butter contain a low SPF sunscreen. However, they have only a limited UVA/UVB-filtering ability, thus you should not use them as your only skin protection. For a natural sunscreen with a higher SPF. use a commercial sunscreen with titanium dioxide.

Ingredient Benefits:

Perish ability and storage: To keep homemade sunscreen from spoiling, use only clean utensils for preparation and storage. Store lotions in the refrigerator, where they will keep for about three to four weeks.

Proper application: To achieve maximum protection from the sun, apply sunscreen to dry skin 30 minutes before exposure. Limit your sun exposure time to less than one hour; actual amount of time depends on your skin type.

Skin types: There are four basic skin types, each with a different level of tolerance to sun exposure. People with light skin and blond or reddish hair are Type I and their natural protection time (amount of time skin can be exposed to the sun without burning) is 5-10 minutes. The natural protection time for people with skin Type II, who have a somewhat darker complexion, is up to 20 minutes. People with skin Type III and IV, those with much darker skin tones, can stay in the sun for 30-40 minutes. To determine how long a sunscreen will protect you, multiply your natural protection time by the SPF. Of course, if you have a family history of skin cancer, you should always use a sunscreen with a high SPF.

Hydrosol - The condensed water that is left behind when plants are steam distilled to make essential oil. A little like waters made from roses and lavenders and other herbs, except more pure and a little more concentrated. You can make your own waters, just by steeping an herb in warm water and straining. Or, you can purchase hydrosols.


Source:- http://www.a1-natural-beauty.com/Sunscreen_Lotion.html





Natural-Protection Cream

  • 3 tbsp. unrefined sesame oil

  • 1 tbsp. unrefined avocado oil

  • 1 tbsp. unrefined jojoba oil

  • 1 tbsp. walnut or almond oil


An easy recipe for natural sunscreen:

Note: This recipe will leave a white nose “lifeguard style.”


1 Tbs zinc oxide
1 1/2 tsp light sesame oil
1 Tbs rosewater

Mix together the zinc oxide and sesame oil. Heat the mixture gently, using a double boiler, and stir well to mix. Remove from heat and slowly add the rosewater, as you continue stirring. Allow to cool completely, and store in a clean container with a tight lid, in the fridge. Yield: 2 oz. Keeps: Up to 10 days in the fridge.



Notes on Zinc Oxide:

Zinc oxide has been used as the natural blocking agent as it is the only ingredient synthetic chemical or natural to effectively provide comprehensive protection against UVB and both short and long UVA radiation.


Zinc oxide is the closest thing to a total sunblock on the market today. It uniformly covers from 290 to 380 nm, thus protecting against UVB and most of the UVA spectrum. No other sunscreen ingredient provides broader protection.


And unlike many chemical sunscreen agents, zinc oxide is never irritating. In fact, it is recognized by the Food and Drug Administration as a Category 1 skin protectant, meaning that it is safe for compromised or environmentally challenged skin.


Zinc oxide has over a 300-year history of safety, with no known adverse reactions (which is why it is often used to treat babies). Now, in its microfine form, it is ideal for use in sunscreens and daily moisturizers.


Commonly Titanium Oxide is used in sunscreens. This should be avoided as it is considered a carcinogen (Titanium Oxide is a photo-activator that can react with other sunscreen chemicals and promote their free radical production or their cancer forming abilities. Recent studies have shown that Titanium damages the cells’ DNA and it has been listed as a potential carcinogen).

Sesame oil can block or reduce about 30% of the burning rays, coconut and olive oils about 20%
and Aloe Vera also inhibits 20% of the rays of the sun.

Aloe vera gel can be used as part of the water measurement and you can add 5 drops of lavender and myrrh for a delicious scent



Toothpaste Recipes


      Do NOT use lemon or baking powder, as these can damage your teeth, as any dental professional can tell you. Most teeth whitening methods should not be continued for prolonged periods or the enamel may be damaged.  Also, remember that any food or beverage that can stain a white t-shirt, can stain your teeth.



Some of the ingredients and why I use them:


Glycerine (Vegetable) - Base

Clove - mild aesthetic, for toothache

Peppermint/Spearmint - Pleasant taste & fresh breath

Thyme - Treat gum disease

Cosmetic clay - Mild abrasive

Baking Soda - Whitener

Vodka - Preservative & Solvent (Use with caution, there is some evidence that mouthwashes with a high alcohol content may have other health problems)

Myrrh - gum inflammation & mouth sores (Oil and tincture are used.  To make myrrh tincture, ground up 60g resin in a mortar and pestle until it is a fine powder, and place in a sealed glass jar with 1 cup of 120 proof vodka.  Place the jar on a shelf for 6 weeks.  Than open the jar and poured the contents through an unbleached muslin bag to remove the residue).



 Recipe 1

6 teaspoons bicarbonate of soda (pure baking soda) -
Not baking powder
1/3 teaspoon salt
4 teaspoons glycerine
15 drops peppermint

Mix thoroughly. Should be a tooth paste consistency. For flavour you can add a few drops of peppermint or wintergreen. Store in a  container.



Recipe 2



6 teaspoons bicarbonate of soda (pure baking soda) - Not baking powder

1/3 teaspoon salt

4 teaspoons glycerin

15 drops peppermint or wintergreen extract



Mix thoroughly. Should be a tooth paste consistency. Store in a container.



Recipe 3


6 teaspoons baking soda
1/3 teaspoon salt
4 teaspoons glycerin
15 drops peppermint

Mix thoroughly. Should be a tooth paste consistency. For flavour you can add a few drops of peppermint or wintergreen. Store in a container. You'll be surprised with how fresh your mouth feels.


Recipe 4


1/4 tsp peppermint oil
1/4 tsp spearmint
1/4 cup arrowroot
1/4 cup powdered orrisroot
1/4 cup water
1 tsp ground sage

Mix all dry ingredients in a bowl. Add water until paste is desired thickness / consistency. Store at room temperature in a tightly covered jar.
Substitute 1/2 tsp each of oil of cinnamon and oil of cloves for peppermint/spearmint if desired.



Recipe 5



1/2 ounce powdered chalk
3 ounces powdered orris root
4 teaspoons of tincture of vanilla
15 drops oil of rose geranium
Honey, enough to make a paste


Combine all ingredients and mix until you have a paste the consistency you like. Store in an airtight container. Use a clean stick (popsicle) to scoop paste onto brush. Store the stick in same container.



Recipe 6



Small amount of finely powdered sage
1 ounce of finely powdered myrrh
1 pound powdered arrow root
3 ounces powdered orris root
20 drops oil of lemon
10 drops oil of cloves
12 drops oil of bergamot


Rub oils into the powdered ingredients until thoroughly mixed.



Recipe 7



Bicarbonate of soda
Peppermint oil


Mix 3 parts bicarbonate of soda with one part salt. Add 3 tsp of glycerine for every 1/4 cup of this mixture, then add enough water to make a thick paste. Add a few drops of peppermint oil for better taste.



Recipe 8



1 Tsp of the Powder from recipe 9
1/4 Tsp Hydrogen peroxide


Mix into a paste and brush as usual.


Recipe 9 - Tooth powder



2 Tbsp dried lemon or orange rind
1/4 cup baking soda
2 Tsp salt


Place rinds in food processor, grind until peel becomes a fine powder. Add baking soda and salt then process a few seconds more until you have a fine powder. Store in an airtight tin or jar. Dip moistened toothbrush into mixture, brush as usual.



Recipe 10



1 Tsp of the powder from recipe 9
1 Tbsp crushed ripe strawberries


Mix strawberries and powder into a paste and brush as usual.


Try these simple tooth cleaners:


1.Rub a lemon rind on your teeth to remove brown stains. Rinse your mouth thoroughly afterward.
2.Clean your teeth with a fresh strawberry. Rub it over and between your teeth.





Tooth Whiteners



Recipe 1



1 Tsp baking soda,
1/4 Tsp hydrogen peroxide
1 drop oil of peppermint


Mix to make a paste, dip toothbrush into mixture, brush as usual.



Recipe 2


Hydrogen peroxide (a few drops)
Baking soda

Make a paste by combining the two ingredients. Use this paste on your teeth and also gently rub along your gums two times a week.






      Do NOT use lemon or baking powder, as these can damage your teeth, as any dental professional can tell you. Most teeth whitening methods should not be continued for prolonged periods or the enamel may be damaged.  Also, remember that any food or beverage that can stain a white t-shirt, can stain your teeth.






Mouthwash recipes


Basic mouthwash

Wash your mouth with half a glass of warm water containing a teaspoon of table salt.



Baking Soda Mouthwash

Mix 2 ounces of Water, 1/4 Teaspoon of baking soda or Sea Salt, 1 drop of Pure Peppermint Oil, and 1 drop of Tea Tree oil. This Homemade mouthwash recipe leaves a great refreshing minty taste in your mouth and helps prevent bad breathe.

The above are some of the best homemade mouthwash recipes. Hope you like them. Please send your feedback (look at the bottom of this page).



Rosemary-Mint Mouthwash

2 1/2 cups distilled or mineral water
1 tsp fresh mint leaves
1tsp rosemary leaves
1 tsp anise seeds

Boil the water, add herbs and seeds, infuse for 20 minutes. Cool, strain and use as a gargle/mouthwash. If you wish to make up a larger quantity, double or triple the recipe then add 1 tsp of tincture of myrrh as a natural preservative.


Spearmint Mouthwash

180ml water
60ml vodka
4 teaspoons liquid glycerine
1 teaspoon aloe Vera gel
10-15 drops Spearmint essential oil

Boil water and vodka, add glycerine and aloe Vera gel. Remove from the heat, let cool slightly. Add spearmint oil, shake well. Pour into bottle, cap tightly.



Myrrh Mouthwash - for sore mouths


Myrrh is great for oral sores/ulcers (including cold sores), and bleeding/diseased gums. It is a bitter oil, and must be diluted for use.


To make a mouthwash, combine:

90ml Vodka

10 drops Myrrh

10 drops Peppermint

2 drops Lemon

2 drops clove

2 drops thyme


This gives you a concentrate. When you want to use it, add 10-15ml (2-3tsp) to half a glass of warm water and rinse as with any other mouthwash.


Tip: Myrrh oil is also good combined in a lip balm to treat cold sores. (Never apply the oil directly).



Sensitive Teeth Toothpaste

  • Vegetable Glycerine, 1/2 cup

  • Cosmetic clay, white, 1/2 cup

  • Tincture of myrrh, 35-40 drops

  • Peppermint or Spearmint  7-8 drops

  • Clove essential oil, 7-8 drips

Mix all the ingredients thoroughly. Adjust the quantity of glycerine to get toothpaste consistency. Store in a wide mouth bottle.











Tea Tree Mouthwash

1 cup Warm water

1/2 teaspoon Myrrh tincture

few drops Tea Tree Oil

few drops Peppermint or mint oil


Mix all the ingredients and gargle.





Kid's Mouthwash


This recipe is a mild and alcohol free mouthwash suitable for children.



30g cloves (Dried)

80g rosemary (Fresh)

600ml capacity jar

500ml boiling water.

Place all the herbs in the jar and pour in the boiling water, and replace lid. Let the jar of cloves, rosemary and water sit overnight. Then strain and the liquid is ready to use.


A few simple Breath Fresheners:

Chew fresh parsley to sweeten the breath.

Chew fennel seeds to freshen the breath.

Chew anise seeds to freshen the breath.

Chew a few peppermint or spearmint leaves or drink a cup of peppermint tea.

Add 1 drop of myrrh oil to 1 cup of cooled, boiled water. Use as gargle/mouthwash.

Add half a teaspoon of baking soda to half a glass of water, and use it to gargle – an instant fix for even the worst case of bad breath.









Natural Menstrual remedies

The menstrual cycle is the nurturer and giver of life. Without menstruation there would be no human life. It was not meant to be riddled with suffering and trouble. There are many cultures where women don't experience the PMS symptoms that we do. Why then does our menstrual cycle cause us so much pain?

Menstruation has an inward and downward movement in the body. In a society obsessed with productivity and output, it can be difficult to honour and support the inward energetic nature of menstruation. I feel the PMS epidemic is the collective voice of the feminine speaking and trying to tell us something.

Each month the cycle of life waxes and wanes through the female physiology. Women are biological creatures and the menstrual cycle is related to other biological cycles such as the moon cycle, the ebb and flow of the tides and the seasons of the year. Menstruation is an embodied dance of life cycles that reminds us of our humanness and our connection to the cycles of the planet on which we live. We can cultivate our cycles as a gift that can help keep us in balance or we can shame it, drug it and try to ignore it.

The current primary practice in relation to menstruation is to plow through it as if nothing is happening. The changing rhythm of our body cycle is not reflected anywhere in the calendar or work schedule. Menstruation is a built in cycle that provides us with the opportunity to restore and rejuvenate each month. It is a time when the female body releases, regenerates and heals. Menstruation is a natural part of our cycle that can take us into the regenerative and contemplative aspects of the feminine.


Many women find that some of the problems around menstruation are the body letting them know that it would like to have a little down time during this monthly time of releasing and letting go. All cycles have a waning and waxing rhythm. When we are just constantly on the go, we forget that optimum health requires that we have time to rest and restore. The menstrual cycle is the perfect guide to help us find balance in our lives of over commitment and consumption. Let menstruation be a resource to help you move from the yang experience of outward expression and achievement to the yin experience of going inside and listening to the deep recesses of your soul. The menstrual cycle teaches us about harmony between yin and yang, dark and light, activity and rest.

There are many herbal remedies that can help a woman to work with instead of fight against the constantly changing rhythm of her body. Each month when you begin menstruation, take an herbal bath or footbath to mark the transition into the more yin part of your cycle. Take a little more rest time and drink a nourishing herbal tea or take an herbal tincture to support your menstrual time.


Recommended Herbs:
Viburnum (also called cramp bark): one of our best allies for all sorts of menstrual ailments. Taking 30 to 60 drops of the tincture in warm water helps to support the inward and downward energetics of menstruation. It relieves uterine cramps, relaxes muscle tension and spasms, improves digestion and calms anxiety. Note: do not use viburnum if you are taking any medications for cardiovascular diseases.
Dandelion: A nutrient rich herb full of vitamin A, potassium and iron. Two cups of dandelion root or leaf tea a day helps to relieve many menstrual ailments such as bloating, water retention, swollen breasts, muscle spasms, acne, anemia and inflammation.

1) High Tide Tea
3 cups water
1 tablespoon dandelion root
1 tablespoon oat straw
1 tablespoon chamomile
1 teaspoon raspberry leaf
1 teaspoon rose hips
1 teaspoon ginger root
Put herbs and water into a stainless steel pot. With the lid on bring the herbs to a boil and then turn off the heat and let the herbs continue to steep for two hours. Strain and reheat the tea and drink two cups a day to support a healthy menstruation.

2) The Menstrual Bath
4 gallons water
1/2 cup lavender flowers
1/2 cup rose petals
1/2 cup chamomile
1/2 cup hops
In a large pot bring herbs and water to a boil then turn off the heat and let stand for 15 minutes. Pour herbs and water directly into the bathwater. Relax and let all of your pain wash away

3) Moon time Footbath
6 cups water
2 tablespoons rosemary
2 tablespoons lavender
2 tablespoons mugwort
Bring herbs and water to a boil. Pour the mixture into a foot basin and when cool enough, soak your feet in the tea for about 15 minutes. This foot bath is very helpful for calming any anxiety and tension during menstruation.

4) Parsley juice

     Freshly squeezed, 50 - 100ml per day for menstrual pain.


5) Safflower seeds

     2 teaspoons of ground safflower seeds steeped in 120mls of boiling water for menstrual pain.


6) Sesame seeds

     1/2 teaspoon ground sesame seeds steeped in 30mls of boiling water for menstrual pain.


7) Coriander seeds

      Boil 6g of Coriander seeds in 1/2litre of water until the fluid has reduced by half for easing heavy flow.


8) Fresh ginger and beetroot juice

      Blend 1 teaspoon of dried crushed ginger, or 5mls fresh ginger juice into 60mls fresh beetroot juice twice daily for a variety of symptoms.


9) Cinnamon and Milk
      1/2 teaspoon cinnamon in warm milk for menstrual pain.


10) Avoid when menstruating:



        White flour



      Strong tea




Manage your menstrual flow with sea sponges, cups, & Cloth pads


The average woman uses nearly 600 pounds of paper and cotton throughout her lifetime menstrual cycle in the form of pads and tampons.

To manage menstrual flow naturally, use a sea sponge. It will mould comfortably inside your body, is chemical free, cheap and re-useable. One sea sponge will last for about 6 months. To use a sea sponge: dampen it, squeeze it tightly in your hand, and insert it into your vagina. Once in place, it works like a tampon to absorb menstrual flow. A sea sponge needs to be rinsed out about every 3 hours and thoroughly cleaned and dried at the end of each menstrual cycle, and leave in direct sunlight to dry and serialize. Some people like to attach a strong cotton thread tightly around the middle to assist with removal (tampon style), although this is usually unnecessary.  This thread is best removed and disposed of after each use. Sea sponges can be trimmed to the perfect size for you, for maximum comfort. As with tampons, it is possible to get toxic shock syndrome from sea sponges, but it considered extremely rare, and of far less risk than conventional tampons.


Some women like to use menstrual cups. A Menstrual cup (Sometimes called a "Keeper"), is a bell shaped silicone or rubber "cup" that is used internally to collect the menstrual flow.  Unlike a tampon, these do not leave behind fibres, have never been linked to Toxic Shock Syndrome, and being reusable are cost effective and eco-friendly.  Once in place the idea is that it forms a seal and prevents blood flowing out of the vagina by holding it in place in its "cup" shaped reservoir. Unlike a tampon which absorbs the blood along with the vagina's natural secretions, a menstrual cup simply holds the fluids until you remove it - so there is no drying out of the vagina as tampons can do, as there is no absorbing.


Cloth Pads are a reusable, washable pad that you use over and over again.  They can last around 6 years or longer, so not only save you money, but also are much better for the environment. Being fabric, they also aren't as sweaty as disposables. They come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and absorbency needs.




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