& Ethics in Witchcraft
This section outlines what defines modern day Witchcraft, general
ethics/codes of conduct, and words of wisdom. It is divided into two
area's, the "Blue" Buttons are for personal contemplation, and the
"Purple" ones are codes of ethics when mixing in both the Pagan
community, and the broader community.
It is important to develop your own understandings about
Witchcraft, and travel your own path; so I have added the following
collection of information for you to contemplate. I strongly suggest you read
each one carefully, and think about the lessons they are conveying.
Consider what it really means to be a witch, as there is so much more
to witchcraft than just following the Wiccan rede, and learning a few
spells. As with many things in life, the journey itself, and the
knowledge gained, is far more important than the superficial. The path
to truly call yourself "Witch" is long, but endlessly fascinating
and deeply rewarding.
click on one of the buttons below to learn more.
Personal Codes