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Below are a collection of God figures used in some pagan traditions.  A few of them are listed below, but it by no means a complete list. They are a blend from different cultures, so bare that in mind when working with them, as it would be discourteous to call on different gods and/or goddesses from different traditions. (ie. you wouldn't call on a Celtic goddess like Brigid, with an Egyptian God like Osiris, to lend their energies to you in a spell).



There are HEAPS more I have yet to add, when I find the time, I will!









Alphabetical listing of Gods




Aah: Egyptian. Is one of the sacred moon Gods, his colour is Silver.


Abandinus: Celtic. Currently known only from a single inscription from Cambridgeshire, England in Godmanchester. Some believe that he was associated with the river Ouse (formerly known as Abona)


Aegir: Norse. A Sea God, he is a personification of the power of the ocean and its strength for good or ill in the affairs of men.


Aengus: Goedelic. A God of love.


AI: Irish and Celtic. A God of poetry, a member of the Tuatha de Danaan, also known as Aoi Mac Ollamain.


Alaunus: Brythonic. A God of the sun, healing and prophecy.


Amaethon: Brythonic. A God of agriculture.


Ambisagrus: Brythonic. A God of thunder and lightning.


Amon: Egyptian. A God of life, Reproduction and agriculture. He is represented by the colour green.


Anextiomarus: Brythonic. A Tribal God.


Anu: SumerianIs. A Sky God, the God of heaven, lord of constellations, king of Gods, spirits and demons, and dwelt in the highest heavenly regions.


Anubis: Egyptian. A God of death and dying, and sometimes God of the Underworld. He is represented by the colour black.


Apollo: Greek. A God who has dominion over the sun, plague, light, healing, colonists, medicine, archery, poetry, prophecy, dance, reason, intellectualism and as the patron defender of herds and flocks. He is represented by the colours gold and white.


Apsu: Sumerian. A God of fresh water, also representing the primeval water and sometimes the cosmic abyss. He was sometimes associated with the ocean, but he was not a deity of salt water.


Arawn: Welsh. A God of the Underworld, which was called Annwn.


Ares: Greek. A God of war.


Arvernus: Brythonic. A God of the Gallic Averni.


Aten: Egyptian. A Sun God and represented by the sun's disk. His worship was instituted as the basis for the mostly monotheistic religion of Amenhotep IV (later named Akhenaten).


Attis: Phrypian. A God of fertility and vegetation. He is represented by the colour green.


Avalloc: Brythonic. He may have been the King of Avalon.


Baal: Phoenician. A God of nature and fertility, He is represented by the colour green.


Bacchus: Roman. A God of wine, he was viewed as the promoter of civilization, and a lawgiver and lover of peace, as well as the patron deity of both agriculture and the theatre. He is represented by the colours red and purple.


Baldur/Balder: Norse. A God of innocence, beauty, joy, purity and peace. He is represented by the colours yellow and gold.


Balor: Goidelic. A God of death. Balor only had one eye which was usually closed, its gaze killed anyone that saw it.


Belatu-Cadros: Brythonic. In Wales, is the God of destruction, war and attaining vengeance on enemies.


Belenus: Brythonic. A Fertility God who looked after sheep and cattle. He was worshipped at Beltane. Purifying fires were lit and cattle were forced to walk between them before being allowed to go to pasture.


Bes: Egyptian. Is a hideously ugly dwarf God who guards against evil spirits and misfortune. He is the protector of the pharaohs, a god of children, and women in labour.


Bragi: Norse. A God of poetry and eloquence.


Borvo: Celtic. Widespread God of mineral springs and healing.


Brea: Celtic. A God of the Tuatha de Danaan.


Bres: Goidelic. A God of agriculture.


Camulus: Brythonic. A God of war.


Caswallawn: Brythonic. A War God.


Cearas: Ancient pagan. A God of fire, He is represented by the colour green.


Cenn Cruaich: Celtic. A God of the sky and heavens.


Centeotl: Aztec. A God of maize and originally a Goddess.


Cernunnos: Neo-Pagan. The life-fertility-death cycle for Cernunnos, though his death is now usually set at Samhain. He is represented by the colour dark green.


Chac: MayanIs. A God of rain and thunder, and important as a fertility and agriculture God.


Chernobog: Slavic. A God of war, He is represented by the colour red.


Cocidius: Brythonic. A Hunting God.


Condatis: BrythonicIs. A Water God.


Contrebis: Brythonic. Is the patron God of Lancaster.


Creidhne: Celtic. A God of metalworking. He was a member of the Tuatha de Danaan.


Crom Cruach: Celtic. One of the chief Gods of Ireland. He may have been a solar deity.


Curoi mac Daire: Celtic. A giant sun God armed with an axe. He was also a weather deity, associated with severe thunderstorms.


Cupid: Ancient Roman. He was generally considered beneficent, but there are many stories centred around his penchant for mischievous matchmaking.


Daghda/Dagda: Celtic. Is the supreme God of the Celtic pantheon, He is represented by the colours green and brown.


Dewi: Brythonic. An ancient God, worshipped primarily in Wales. He was represented by a Great Red Serpent; this symbol in the form of a dragon is only the official emblem of Wales.


Dian Cecht: Celtic. A God of healing.


Dionysus: Greek. A God of mystery religious rites, wine, ecstasy, fertility and nature. He is represented by the colours red, purple and green.


Dylan Eil Ton/Dylan: Welsh Celtic. Sea God. Since the moment of his birth the golden-haired Dylan was a creature able to swim in the ocean like a fish, It was said that his death caused all the waves of the sea to mourn his loss.


Ea: Babylonian. God of water, wisdom, magic, arts and crafts, He is represented by the colour blue.


Ehecatl: Aztec. A God of wind, an aspect of Quetzalcoatl. His breath moved the sun and pushed away rain.


Eros: Greek. A God of love and sexual intercourse, He is represented by the colour red.


Esus: Brythonic. A God of agriculture, war and commerce. He is associated with the bull.


Fagus: Brythonic. A God of trees, especially beech trees.


Faunus: Roman. A God of woodlands, fields and shepherds, He is represented by the colour Green.


Firbolgs: Celtic. Were early Gods of Ireland that attacked the Fomorians. They fought to a standstill and both sides lived in Ireland until the Firbolgs were exterminated by the Tuatha de Danaan.


Frey: Scandinavian. A God of fertility, He is represented by the colour Green.


Freyr: Old Norse. The male fertility God and God of love.


Grannus: Continental Brythonic. God of healing and mineral springs. His cult was centred in Aquae Granni.


Gwyn an Nudd: Brythonic. A God of the underworld.


Gukumatz: Mayan. A snake God, one of all three groups of Gods who created Earth and humanity. He taught mankind civilization and agriculture.


Hadad: Syrian. A supreme storm God.


Hades: Greek. A God of the underworld and the dead, He is represented by the colour black.


Hafgan: Brythonic. A God of the underworld. He could not be killed by a God, only a mortal.


Hephaestus: Greek. A God of fire and the forge.


Hermes: Greek. The God of travellers, shepherds, land travel, orators, literature, cunning, poets, athletics, weights and measures, and thieves, and the messenger from the Gods to humans.


Hod or Hodur : Norse. A God of darkness and winter


Hooded Spirits: Celtic. Three Hooded Spirits are healing and fertility deities.


Horus: Egyptian. Is the Falcon headed God of nature  and the sky He is represented by the colour royal blue.


Huitzilopochtli: Aztec. A God of war and a sun God.


Icaunus: Brythonic. The God of the river Yonne in Gaul.


Igaluk: Inuit. One of the most powerful Gods of the pantheon, he is a lunar deity.


Ixtlilton: Aztec. A God of healing, feasts and festivals.


Janus: Roman. The God of gates, doors, beginnings, endings and doorways. The month of January was named for him, He is represented by the colour white.


Khepri: Egyptian A scarab God, a solar deity who pushed the sun (as the scarab pushes the dung) across the sky every day, as well as carrying it safely through the underworld every night.


Khons: Egyptian. A sacred moon God  and god of healing, He is represented by the colours silver and white.


Khnum: Egyptian. A God of the Nile River delta, and the creator of human children.


Leucetios: Brythonic. A God of thunder.


Lir: Celtic. A God of the sea.


Loki: Scandinavian. A God of fire, He is represented by the colour red.


Lugh: Celtic. Leader of the Tuatha De Danaan. Lugh's name is the origin of that of the Pagan festival Lughnasadh, He is represented by the colour yellow, gold and bronze.


Lupercus: Roman. A God of Fertility, his festival called Lupercalia was celebrated on February 15th. He is represented by the colour green.


Luxovius: Brythonic. A God of the waters of Luxeuil, worshipped in Gaul.


Maahes: Egyptian. A lion God, possibly of foreign origin, he punished liars.


Mabon: Celtic. A hunter God that was stolen from his mother three days after his birth.


Manannan mac Lir: Celtic. A sea and weather God. He was one of the Tuatha de Danaan. He ruled over the Blessed Isles as well as Mag Mell, the underworld.


Maponos: Celtic. A God of youth.


Marduk: Mesopotamia. A late generation God and the patron deity of the city of Babylon.


Mars: Roman. A God of war and initially was the Roman God of fertility and vegetation, and protector of cattle, but later he became associated with battle. As the god of spring, when his major festivals were held, he presided over agriculture in.


Mercury: Roman. A God of trade, profit and commerce.


Metztli: Aztec. A moon God.


Mictlantecuhtli: Aztec. The God of the dead and King of Mictlan, the lowest section of the underworld. He was depicted as a skeleton or a person wearing a toothy skull. He was associated with spiders, owls and bats.


Min: Egyptian. A God of fertility and protector of travellers, He is represented by the colour green and white.


Mog Ruith: Goidelic. The sun God who rode on a bronze chariot or flew through the sky every day.


Nemausus: Celtic. Patron God of Nemausus Nimes.


Neptune: Roman. A God of the sea, He is represented by the colour blue.


Njord: Norse. A God of prosperity, fishermen, seamanship and sailing. He is represented by the colour aquamarine.


Nuada: Goidelic. One of the Tuatha de Danaan. He was a God of the sea, children and childbirth, the sun, beauty, healing, sorcery and poetry and writing.


Odin: Norse. Is both God of wisdom magic, art, poetry and war. He is represented by the colours are purple, red and black.


Ogyruan: Celtic. A God of bards.


Ometecuhtli: Aztec. A God of fire, a creator deity and one of the highest Gods in the pantheon, he had no cult and was not actively worshipped. He, was the source of life on Earth.


Osiris: Egyptian. A life-death-rebirth deity, God of vegetation and fertility. He is represented by the colour green and black.


Pan: Greek. The God who watches over shepherds and their flocks, woodlands, fields and fertility. He is represented by the colour green.


Patecatl: Aztec. A God of healing and fertility.


Pluto: Roman. A God of the underworld.


Poseidon: Greek. A God of the sea, also the god of earthquakes and horses. He is represented by the colour light blue.


Ptah: Egyptian. A creator God and patron deity of Memphis, Egypt, as well as craftsmen. Ptah was associated with stone based crafts. He is represented by the colour white.


Quetzalcoatl: Aztec. A God of fertility, wind and wisdom, He was known as the inventor of books and the calendar, the giver of maize corn to mankind, and sometime as a symbol of death and resurrection. He is represented by the colour black.


Ra: Egyptian. Is the God of the sun, birth and re-birth, He is represented by the colour gold.


Robur: Celtic. A God of oak trees, worshipped primarily in Gaul.


Rudianos: Brythonic. The patron deity of Gaul.


Saône: Celtic. A river God.


Saturn: Roman. A God of agriculture and the harvest, He is represented by the colour orange.


Seb: Egyptian. A God of fertility and the Earth. (The Egyptians were unusual in this regard; in other mythologies, the Earth is usually represented by a Goddess).


Segomo: Brythonic. A God of war.


Set: Egyptian. Originally a God of darkness and black magic, later strength, war, storms, foreign lands and deserts. He protected desert caravans but also caused sandstorms and is represented by the colour black.


Shamash: Babylonian. A sun God, He is represented by the colour yellow.


Sin: Babylonian and Assyrian. A moon God, He is represented by the colour white.


Smertios: Brythonic. A God of war particularly worshipped in Gaul.


Sobek: Egyptian. The crocodile God who symbolized the fertility of the Nile River and the authority of the pharaohs.


Svarog: Slavic. A God of fire and metallurgy, He is represented by the colours red and silver.


Sylvanus: RomanA God of forests, fields and herding, He is represented by the colour dark green.


Taranis: Brythonic. A God of thunder, He was associated with the wheel and may have received human sacrifices.


Tarvos Trigaranos: Brythonic. The bull God.


Teoyaomqui: Aztec. A God of dead warriors.


Thantos: Greek.A God of death, He is represented by the colour black.


Thor: Norse. A God of thunder and lightning, farmers and sailors, He is represented by the colour dark blue.


Thoth: Egyptian. A God of the moon, wisdom, writing, magic, and measurement of time, among other things. He is represented by the colours white, silver and purple.


Thunor: Pagan-Germanic A God of thunder and lightening also fertility, represented by the colours dark blue, black & green.


Tiwaz: Pagan-Germanic . A God of the sky, He is represented by the colour blue.


Tlaloc: Aztec. A God of rain and fertility, The Aztecs believed that he was responsible for both floods and droughts, and that Tlaloc had been created by the other Gods.


Tonacatecuhtli: Aztec. A fertility God. He organized the world into land and ocean at the creation of the world.


Tonatiuh: Aztec. A sun God and war God who presided over the current (fifth) age. Warriors who die serving him receive eternal life.


Torngasoak: Inuit. A very powerful sky God, one of the more important deities in the Inuit pantheon.


Toutatis or Teutates: Celts and Gauls. A God of war, growth and prosperity.


Tyr: Norse. Is the God of warfare and battle.


Uranus: Greek.A God of the sky, He is represented by the colour blue.


Vosegus: Brythonic. The patron God of the Vosges Forest in Gaul.


Vulcan: Roman. A God of fire and volcanoes, and the manufacturer of art, arms, Iron, and Armour for gods and heroes. At the Vulcanalia festival, which was held on August 23, fish and small animals were thrown into a fire.


Woden: Pagan-Germanic. A God of war, poetry, prophecy and magic. His sacred day of the week is Wednesday and He is represented by the colours red and purple.


Xipe Totec: Aztec. A triple deity, of agriculture, the west, disease, spring, goldsmiths, the seasons. He flayed himself to give food to humanity, symbolic of maize seed losing the outer layer of the seed before germination. Without skin, he was depicted as a golden God.


Xochipilli: Aztec. A God of love, games, beauty, dance, flowers, maize, and song.


Yarilo: Slavic. A God of fertility, He is represented by the colour green.


Yacatecuhtli: Aztec. The patron God of travelers, especially merchant travellers.


Yum Caax. Mayan. The personification of maize and a God of agriculture and nature.


Zeus: Greek. The leader of the Gods and God of the sky and thunder.




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