Witches' Pyramid
The four principals that make up 'The Witches' Pyramid' are:
To Know,
To Will,
To Dare and
To Keep Silent.
These principals are very important to any successful spell
But what do they really mean?
1. To Know
Know your correspondences. When you create a spell, you must
know why your adding certain herbs, oils, or candle colours,
as well as any other tools or items you use. Learn the moon
phases and timings. Always know what phase the moon is in.
The more you know, the better you'll get. After a while,
you'll be so knowledgeable, you'll be able to make up an
entire spell in your mind. The more you learn the more
focused your energy will become. But what is most
imperative, is that you 'know', not 'think' your spell will
work. If you have the slightest doubt, the energy of that
doubt will be sent out with the power you've built up. And
signals disaster. Know, don't wish, or think...know.
2. To Will
Again, you must be totally convinced, beyond any doubt that
your magick will work. You must be completely focused on
what you're doing. This is where your meditation and
visualization skills come into play. Your spell needs every
ounce of your energy, and your complete focus. If you don't,
your spell will go haywire, and might even backfire
entirely. Don't practice spells until you can reach an alpha
state using meditation.
3. To Dare
Think, or make a list of reasons why you want to do a
particular spell. Have you tried every mundane way of
getting the particular goal you have? Do you really need to
do the spell? If you answered "Yes" to all of that, then
it's time to craft your spell. If you have any doubts or
apprehension, it will wreck the spell, so don't bother until
you know exactly why you're going to do your spell. Be
crystal clear in your own mind why you know a spell
will achieve the result you require. Using your
visualization skills, picture exactly what you want
the outcome to be.
4. To Keep Silent
Once you've finished performing your spell, don't mention
it to anyone. Doing so can cause it to fail for several
reasons, but the most obvious one is the power of the
thoughts of the person/s you told. Their doubts about it, or
other negative thoughts will wreck the energy of the spell.
So perform your spell, and shut up about it!
As you have probably noticed, the basic message is that you
must have complete confidence in the power within you to do
magick. Have absolute belief in the power of every spell you
do. Follow these four simple rules, and your spell work will
be successful every time.
Source: I'm sorry I don't
know where I got this one, When I find out, I'll add the
proper reference!