Words of
the Witches
collection of thought provoking words.
ability to transform energy into matter, and vice versa, is the way
the universe operates"
"Power of the Witch" - Laurie Cabot 1989
that develop around the notion of an authoritarian father god,
inevitably oppress those that do not fit the image of the
all-powerful, adult human male: children, women, homosexuals,
and the non human communities of animal, plant, and mineral life with
which we live and share our planet. In rigid patriarchal thinking
these have no value in themselves except as they serve the male
dominated institutions".
- "Power of the Witch" - Laurie Cabot 1989
"The power
of magick is ancient, and is yin-yang being both the spiritual and the
scientific. It is never wise to overlook or dismiss one for the other,
nor is it helpful. Understanding only comes in the knowing, and
knowledge has more that one source."
Skyladona 2007
"Know that your seeking and yearning will
avail you not, unless you know the mystery: for if that which you
seek, you find not within yourself, you will never find it
without. For behold, I have been with you from the beginning, and
I am that which is attained at the end of desire."
Doreen Valiente, The Charge of the
"Many spells are nothing more than the transfer of positive and
negative energies directed by consciousness. We are simply working
with the laws of nature in the most intense and intimate way".
Cabot, Power of the Witch.
"Religion is about
creation, and for that reason religion should be about the earth. To
many people this comes as a surprise because modern religious thinking
emphasizes salvation over creation and focuses on heaven and hell
rather than earth. But Pagans believed that biological processes are
spiritual processes and that there is divine meaning in every natural
event". - Laurie
Cabot (Power of the Witch, Penguin books 1992)
"Some people claim
to have magical powers.
I certainly hope they don't consider themselves to be anything special"
-"Spell Crafts" by Scott Cunningham and David Harrington
See also my quotes
page by clicking here.
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and is to be continued......